Live event information

We will have a following live event on Februay16(Sun).

“Swingin’ Strings !”
Day and time : Februay16(Sun) 2PM(1:30PM Open)
Performer : Akira Sekine(Guitar) and Aya Hoashi (Violin)
Music charge : JPY3500 + Drink(JPY900) or Sweets Box(JPY2000 drink)
payment at Panja on the day by CASH ONLY
Reservation : send email to

Aya’s play is powerful and colorful. Akira is a brilliant guitarist covering Jazz, rock, classic and Spanish. Their chemistry will make wonderful performance.

We, Jazz Panja, is a Japanese style “Jazz Kissa” but offer you delicious sweets and drinks, which will make you surtisfied.

Your reservation would be appreciated.

Jazz Panja, Setagaya



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